"In what year we can say that started the first Olympic Games:
"For many years, what was the main Olympic event?
"What evidence Pentathlon included:
"In the year 394 AD: Roman Emperor abolished what GAMES?
"What 4 events or disciplines grouped athletics (are based on natural gestures of the human body):
"How many meters is 1 lap of Athletics:
Enter the 7-race tests performed in the Olympics:
-Write 3 tests of sprinting:
Write the 2-test middle-distance races:
"Write the 4 tests of distance running:
"How far does the athlete in the marathon test
-Write 3 tests of the hurdles:
-How tall is the fence in the 100m women's and men's 110m how to?
- Do they run the same distance on billboards men and women? How far each one?
"What distance is covered in the test of obstacles:
Write the 2-test relay races:
"Write the 4 tests of the jumps:
Write the 4 test-releases:
-Write the 2 tests combined:
"Find these words in the written vocabulary meaning and include them in your digital dictionary of student:
Joints, clay, frame cramp
warming, race continues, rope, cord,
training, muscle fibers, flexibility, background,
pit, photo-finish, strength, cage
finish judge, starter, rabbit, ribbon,
middle distance, muscle, null, obstacle,
Paralympic prezona, resistance, laugh,
jump table, tartan, witness, speed,
area pass or transfe
sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010
Working week of physical education
-Measured track how many feet wide and long;-How many meters measure the track width and length:-How big the track in her doubles play long and wide:Network-how tall the posts and the center, is in meters and feet?-Rectangles on either side of the net: How much width and length measured in feet and meters?
SCORE"Explains the scoring system in tennis:
HITS"Writes the 8 strokes of tennis:"Says the forehand:"Says the service hit:
WAYS TO HIT THE BALL:Writes 6 ways to hit the ball.
RULES:-Explains the rules to the game of tennis:
SURFACES:"Writes the four types of surface tennis court:
Working week of physical education
-How large area called the football field:"How is called the small area of the football field:-How many inches a yard long:Meters-long radio measuring the inner circle of a football field:-How many meters away from the penalty spot to the finish line:-Many yards from the penalty spot to the finish line:"Many meters long is most and least a football field:-Many meters measured maximum and minimum width and a football field:"How many yards long is maximum and minimum as a football field:"How many yards measured maximum and minimum width as a football field:
"What maximum or minimum circumference should have the ball:"How much should weigh a maximum and minimum:
PLAYERS.-How many players can start in a match:"If a team starts the game with less than 7 players: what happens:?
SAFETY:- Can a player wear rings, necklaces, ... jewels during the game?:
GAME TIME AND REST:-How long is a football game, and how long the break:
KICK-OFF:"What is the kick-off- Can you score a goal from the kick-off?:"How far must be the players when making a kick-off:-Where should the players of each team when making a kick-off:-How must be the ball when you kick-off:
BALL IN PLAY AND BALL OUT OF PLAY:"If the ball bounces off the flag or pole: will continue to play or is deemed that the ball has gone out of pitch?-FALSE or TRUE, if a ball is over the touchline of the pitch, the ball has left and therefore should make the other team. This statement is true or false.
SCORING:-FALSE or TRUE: if the ball is above the finish line of the goal and has not gone through, is deemed to have been a goal.
OFFSIDE"Write three times what is NOT out of play:WARNINGS AND EXPULSION:"If you warn a player, what card is removed?-If a player is ejected, what card is removed?-Write 1 violation warning:-Write 1 offense expulsion:
PENALTY SHOT:"The players do not shoot the penalty shot: can be inside the area of criminal?"How far from the penalty spot should be the players who do not shoot the penalty:
ASSISTANT REFEREES:"In what position puts the assistant referee's flag, if there is out of play:"What does the flag when a substitution:
CORNER KICK:"A player will get a corner, if you put the ball out from the corner, is that correct, and can make the throw?
Working week of physical education
Measuring meter-long runway width and length:-How far are the lines of service:-On the slopes covered: What is the minimum height to the roof?
-How long the network measures.-How big the network in the center and ends:
-What is the diameter of the ball and paddle:-How much you weigh:
"How wide and long.How tall thick-profile:"The paddle blade must have a cord or strap to your wrist as protection against accidents. Its use will be mandatory: this statement is true or false.
-How big the cord or tether:
"When a couple wins his first point will have 15. In winning his second point will have 30. In winning his third point count 40 and the fourth point: what happens when you win the fourth item?
-If a couple earns first 6 games, always with a minimum of 2 advantage: what happens?
-In case of a tie in 5 games, what should I do?-And if there is a tie at 6 games: who wins the match?
-EXPLAIN THE RULE 14: Tie-Break:
Working week of physical education
"What is the muscular system:-How many muscles in the human body is approximately:
Write 5-muscular system functions.
-The muscular system consists of:
"Write what are the 3 groups of muscles according to their position:
Muscle Diseases:
-What are the 8 diseases and ailments that affect the muscular system and explains the top 5:
"Write 20 muscles throughout the body that we work in class:
Working week of physical education

"What is the triathlon:-What are the 3 sports of trialtón:
HISTORY:"I started triathlon, according to popular legend:
LONG DISTANCE TRIATHLON:-Your name and where was the first modern long-distance race in triathlon:"In swimming, how many miles traveled by a triathlete:"In cycling: how many miles traveled by a triathlete:"In the race walk: how many miles traveled by a triathlete:
"In swimming, how many miles traveled by a triathlete:"In cycling: how many miles traveled by a triathlete:"In the race walk: how many miles traveled by a triathlete:
"In triathlon, the test is performed first swimming, then cycling test and last test run. This statement is true or false:
DISTANCES:-What are the original distances are used in IRONMAN:- What is covered in Olympic distance triathlon: swimming, cycling and RACE?
"The Sprint is another name for the triathlon, but what distance is covered in swimming, cycling and running?"Who is encouraged to participate in the triatlón_sprint:-Do you call the triathlon race are minors andHow far through it:"How far are covered in the Half Ironman in swimming, cycling and running:
Working week of physical education
"What is the long jump:"Since when is the long jump Olympic event on the men and of the area:"And the women's Olympic event since when and in what place:
COMPETITION AREA:-How often measured acceleration track approximately:"How far is situated off board on the pit:"After the take-off board is placed another table. But ... What is that table populated?-How often referred to as the pit where they fall athletes after the long jump:"What's in the pit:-How tall is the moat:"What they have in the shoe sole of the competitors:
PROCEDURE:"The jump is considered failed if the competitor: Write 6 procedures.
"Write what they call the 3 phases of the long jump techniques:-Explain-off phase:-Explains the suspension or flight phase:-Explains the run phase:
RECORDS:-What is the name the man who has the world records (WR) jump:-Long jump:"From what country:-Where did you get the records:-On what date did it:
-Do you call the woman who has the world records (WR) jump:-Long jump:"From what country:-Where did you get the records:-On what date did it:
Working week of physical education
"Badminton is a modern version of a primitive and simple game called battledore, but: where was invented?"The badminton now where it was invented?British army officers took him to England: in what year?"The Duke of Beaufort was interested in this game, but, why called badminton?"In what year was the first tournament championship for men and women:"In what year and in which cities American championships were held:-
-Long is the track width-Long is for individuals:-How tall Length:
NETWORK:-How tall is the network, on the sides and center:
THE RACKET:-How much weight the racket:
FLYER:-Do you call the phone you are playing badminton:
SCORING SYSTEM AND SERVICE:September, many events occur and how many points does each set:-In case of a tie at 20 points, what happens?
"Badminton is a modern version of a primitive and simple game called battledore, but: where was invented?"The badminton now where it was invented?British army officers took him to England: in what year?"The Duke of Beaufort was interested in this game, but, why called badminton?"In what year was the first tournament championship for men and women:"In what year and in which cities American championships were held:-
-Long is the track width-Long is for individuals:-How tall Length:
NETWORK:-How tall is the network, on the sides and center:
THE RACKET:-How much weight the racket:
FLYER:-Do you call the phone you are playing badminton:
SCORING SYSTEM AND SERVICE:September, many events occur and how many points does each set:-In case of a tie at 20 points, what happens?
miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010
-Ley Orgánica de Educación
-Decreto 82/2007 que establece el currículo para Extremadura.
-Real Federación Española de Atletismo.
-VIRGINIA POSADAS KALMA (Universidad de Granada)
-Iniciación al atletismo en educación primaria (Dionisio Alonso, Juan del Campo
-Ilustraciones Sergio Feo
LONG JUMP | |||||||||||
CYCLE | 3º | QUARTER | 3º | Nº SESSION | 9 | ||||||
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | | Technical-hop (clay, momentum, fall)-Safety in physical activity. -Strength and flexibility. | |||||||||
MATERIALS NEEDED | Balloons, mattresses | | OGANIZACIÓN | Groups, couples, individual. | |||||||
METHODOLOGY | guided discovery | | Time length: | 60 min | |||||||
ACTIVITIES | |||||||||||
WARMING | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching (upper and lower) Tigers and lions-game -Jumping game (burst balloons) | |||||||||||
MAIN PART | TIME | 35 min | |||||||||
-Each child makes a creative leaps. -Completion of hops in length, vertical, lateral. Hops-race leg. / Career stride jumps / leaps to his feet together. -Jumps on static feet together / sack race. -Ring is placed on the mat, the child must jump and land with feet together inside the ring. Long jump-conducted and measured the distance. | |||||||||||
RELAXATION | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching in pairs -Game collection of material. | |||||||||||
TIME | 5 min | ||||||||||
HIGH JUMP | |||||||||||
CYCLE | 3º | QUARTER | 3º | Nº SESSION | 8 | ||||||
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | | -Coordination in the jump -Respect others' ideas Leg-strength | |||||||||
MATERIALS NEEDED | Cones, picks | | OGANIZACIÓN | Groups, couples, individual. | |||||||
METHODOLOGY | guided discovery | | Time length: | 60 min | |||||||
ACTIVITIES | |||||||||||
WARMING | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching -Game: house tenants -Game: the wolf and sheep. | |||||||||||
MAIN PART | TIME | 35 min | |||||||||
-Jump rope. "Each child performed vertical jumps in the most imaginative way possible. -Jumps and putting a barrier mat (each time we raise the height) Laterality-game: jump left. or dech as indicated. | |||||||||||
RELAXATION | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching in pairs -Game collection of material. | |||||||||||
| TIME | 5 min | |||||||||
DISCUS THROW | |||||||||||
CYCLE | 3º | QUARTER | 3º | Nº SESSION | 7 | ||||||
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | | Óculo_manual-coordination. -Safety in physical activity. -Strength and flexibility.. | |||||||||
MATERIALS NEEDED | Balloons, newspapers, globes | | OGANIZACIÓN | Groups, couples, individual. | |||||||
METHODOLOGY | guided discovery | | Time length: | 60 min | |||||||
ACTIVITIES | |||||||||||
WARMING | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching (upper and lower) -Set the fire and ice. Butter-game. | |||||||||||
MAIN PART | TIME | 35 min | |||||||||
-Launch of different phones, with and without a running race. Ball-release periodic vertical, then horizontal. Frisbee-release in static and moving. Pairwise-throwing the frisbee in static, moving, and varying distances. | |||||||||||
RELAXATION | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching in pairs -Game collection of material. | |||||||||||
| TIME | 5 min | |||||||||
JAVELIN | |||||||||||
CYCLE | 3º | QUARTER | 3º | Nº SESSION | 6 | ||||||
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | Óculo_manual-coordination. -Safety in physical activity. -Strength and flexibility. | ||||||||||
MATERIALS NEEDED | Balloons, newspapers, globes | OGANIZACIÓN | Groups, couples, individual. | ||||||||
METHODOLOGY | guided discovery | Time length: | 60 min | ||||||||
ACTIVITIES | |||||||||||
WARMING | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching (upper and lower) Vampire-game -Game: driving globle. | |||||||||||
MAIN PART | TIME | 35 min | |||||||||
-Launch of different phones, with and without a running race.Ball-release periodic vertical, then horizontal. Javelin Throw-(recycled material built in class) in static and moving. | |||||||||||
RELAXATION | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching in pairs -Game collection of material. | |||||||||||
TIME | 5 min | ||||||||||
SHOT PUT AND HAMMER | |||||||||||
CYCLE | 3º | QUARTER | 3º | Nº SESSION | 5 | ||||||
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | | Technical-launch. Hand-eye-coordination -Acceptance limitations and capabilities of the body. "Strength and flexibility. | |||||||||
MATERIALS NEEDED | Balloons, newspapers, rings | | OGANIZACIÓN | Groups, couples, individual. | |||||||
METHODOLOGY | guided discovery | | Time length: | 60 min | |||||||
ACTIVITIES | |||||||||||
WARMING | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching (upper and lower) High-bull -The mummy. | |||||||||||
MAIN PART | TIME | 35 min | |||||||||
-In pairs, different mobile launch for increased distance. -Release in different positions, sideways, backwards, turning, jumping. -Draw a circle and throw it without leaving , Discus and hammer throw (material recycling that we built in class) | |||||||||||
RELAXATION | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching in pairs Basketball-relaxation (pass it back) -Game collection of material. | |||||||||||
| TIME | 5 min | |||||||||
RUNNING RACE | |||||||||||
CYCLE | 3º | QUARTER | 3º | Nº SESSION | 4 | ||||||
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | | Acquisition-up movement coordination Esfeurzo-dosing. -Endurance. | |||||||||
MATERIALS NEEDED | Balloons, newspapers, tennis ball | | ORGANIZACIÓN | Groups, couples, individual. | |||||||
METHODOLOGY | guided discovery | | Time length: | 60 min | |||||||
ACTIVITIES | |||||||||||
WARMING | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching (upper and lower)-Performed races around the area without taking off, at least one foot above the ground. Faster and faster Hip-movement (in all possible axes. Cap-ass game. | |||||||||||
MAIN PART | TIME | 35 min | |||||||||
Travel through space, each child can be more creative. -Game come-cocos (scroll through a line without leaving) -Stroke come-cocos, in groups -Come-cocos race against time online. | |||||||||||
RELAXATION | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
Stretching in pairsPulse-control -Game collection of material. | |||||||||||
| TIME | 5 min | |||||||||
OBSTACLE COURSES | |||||||||||
CYCLE | 3º | QUARTER | 3º | Nº SESSION | 3 | ||||||
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | | -Acquisition coordinated handover. Idea-group cooperation -Endurance. | |||||||||
MATERIALS NEEDED | Balloons, newspapers, tennis ball | | ORGANIZACIÓN | Groups, couples, individual. | |||||||
METHODOLOGY | guided discovery | | Time length: | 60 min | |||||||
ACTIVITIES | |||||||||||
WARMING | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching (upper and lower) -Game Shark -Relay game with globle. | |||||||||||
MAIN PART | TIME | 35 min | |||||||||
S.-game Fermín (relay with the newspaper) Relay-play with different objects: tennis ball, newspaper, balloons. -Back relay "Relay race in pairs (one child with closed eyes the other guides) -Relief obstacles. | |||||||||||
RELAXATION | TIME | 10 min | |||||||||
-Stretching in pairs Masaje_vibración-relaxation for couples. -Game collection of material. | |||||||||||
| TIME | 5 min | |||||||||
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