miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010



Moral and civic education
Integration of students through the game, understanding it as well as a means of
conflict resolution. It is necessary to promote the development of autonomy and personal self-assertion, and help them understand that conflicts are natural processes that help to clarify positions, interests and values.

Education for life in society and coexistence

We will foster in students a real climate of collaboration and solidarity during the playing of games, knowing at all times act in group activities and giving them the most basic notions about compensation disparities, recognition of different situations ... etc. The school is an ideal place to learn basic attitudes necessary for
coexistence truly free, democratic, caring and engaged.

Health education

Promote hygiene before and after physical exercise through the wardrobe change.
Warm-up and relaxation, appropriate to the intensity of the session, at the beginning and the end of the class, respectively, reflecting on the benefits and drawbacks involved.
Learn about different forms of occupation of leisure and free time to improve the quality of life for our students through physical exercise and avoiding the same way, the practice of
other less desirable habits.

Peace Education

Activities will be at the service of tolerance and anti-violence. Educating for peace also requires training in critical thinking, the ability to dialogue, social justice, ...


Form mixed groups at all times, in the same way that the four students who exercise the role of teacher for a day, will be selected to have the same number of teachers deprofesores that is, two students and two students.

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